Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bambino Academy: Cutting & Stamping Fun

~ ~ C is 22 months ~ ~

C had a great week and was more than happy to choose a variety of materials from his shelves. He also had a couple of firsts with some of them too.

Our monthly Art Gallery visit was moved to the morning so he got to come along and thankfully this time around they had out heaps of things for littles to explore.

He fell in love with this wooden cake immediately, spending quite a lot of time pulling the candles off and putting them back on and blowing them out, of course. (practising for something that is just around the corner maybe ;-)

Then he found the knife and was completely enthralled with cutting up the cake.

He chose this little bear puzzle, it's one of those one's where you can mix and match the pieces. We only have enough pieces to make one bear out at the moment, but now that he has mastered it I might add in some of the other bits for him.

Some simple stamping with animal stamps, full of nice messy black ink!

I've been searching for a cheese shaker (non breakable) for ages and finally found one at the local $2 store. He loved this. Simple pipe cleaners pushed into the holes of the shaker. He inspected the ends of each of them before pushing them into the holes.

See mum, all finished!

And for another first, since he enjoyed the cake cutting so much I rolled out some playdough for him and gave him a butter knife to cut it up. He spent well over half an hour doing this one activity, he was completely in the zone.

For more toddler activities be sure to visit:

Toddler Tuesday at One Hook Wonder
Tot Tuesday at Delicious Ambiguity
Tot School at 1+1+1=1


  1. Nice work C !! The pipe cleaner work looks like a wonderful work of art.

  2. I am a new follower! I also have a "bambino" who will be 2 in July. I am home with him for the summer and have been trying to figure out what to do with him. I am an upper elementary teacher (although I have worked with kindergardeners) and I just don't know a lot about these little guys! Adam seems to be very curious and is speaking in 3 word sentences, and I want to give him some unique experiences this summer. We have done stickers, watercolors, markers, crayons, playdough and fingerpainting with pudding, but I need more ideas and I can already tell that I will be able to find some here!

  3. Cutting play doh is Merry's all time favourite activity at the moment too.. don't think they ever outgrow that one ;)

  4. Thanks for linking up to Toddler Tuesday! You little guy looks like he's having so much fun. I've *got* to remember to do play dough cutting with Pita Pocket soon - I know he'll really enjoy it. The new blog design is great, btw. :)

  5. Looks like fun! Kais favorite activity at the moments is putting pipe cleaners into a shaker! He could do it over and over for hours! Thanks for linking up!

  6. A great extension to the pipe cleaner work is to add a noodle to the end of the pipe cleaner.


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