Monday, May 10, 2010

Home School Hop #9

Theme: These are a few of my favourite things!

You know the song, I think we all know and love the song!

So it's your turn to share some of your favourite things. Your list may only include a few or it may be extensive, photo's would be lovely but certainly not neccessary.

What ARE your favourite things?

A Couple of Changes

Fortnightly Hopping: I have had a few suggestions to run the Blog Hop on fortnightly cycles, this was something I had considered in the beginning, so we are going to give it a try. This will allow participants plenty of time to link up their posts and to also hop on over and check out all of the great blogs that participate.

Thumbnails: I have tried the thumbnail Linky this time around. I have no idea how it works so we'll all be finding out together!

Coming Theme: Your favourite subject to teach (or learn with) your children and why? I will do my best to include the next theme so that if you wish to you can prepare for it.

Participation Rules

STOP: Please DO NOT add your link below unless you have a post published about the blog hop and the current theme, and the McLinky code showing in that post.

Please ensure you have linked directly to your blog hop post and that the title includes the words 'blog hop' somewhere. All links added are checked via McLinky and those without these details are removed immediately.

We are all enjoying this immensely, please play fairly as the majority of blog hoppers do! Thanks for participating, have fun!


  1. Love getting the coming theme. Then I can get an idea of what's coming up.

  2. Hi Kylie,
    I decided to experiment and I figured out the problem. I can get the thumbnail linky to work in Internet Explorer. I usually use Google Chrome and the old linky worked fine on that. I decided to try Internet Explorer because I have trouble creating links over on the forums with Google Chrome. So it should be correct now.


Make my day, leave a lovely comment :-)