Monday, May 3, 2010

Home School Hop #8

YAY! It worked, we're back in business. So after a few weeks break I think we will slide into the Blog Hop nice and gently, no theme this week.

Go grab the code and have some fun hopping about! Don't forget to leave a comment on the blogs you visit letting them know that you have stopped by from the hop.

STOP: Please DO NOT add your link below unless you have a post published about the blog hop and the current theme, and the McLinky code showing in that post.

Please ensure you have linked directly to your blog hop post and that the title includes the words 'blog hop' somewhere. All links added are checked via McLinky and those without these details are removed immediately (we do not always have time to visit the blog to check).

We are all enjoying this immensely, please play fairly as the majority of blog hoppers do! Thanks for participating, have fun!


  1. Kylie,
    So glad you're doing this again!
    Faith's Firm Foundation


Make my day, leave a lovely comment :-)