Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weekly Wonders #6 April 17th & 24th

Catching up with my Weekly Wrap Up Posts for Term 2 and combining two weeks into one post. Sorry not one photo, I'm still not quite back into the swing of the things and if I wait for photo's I'll have to combine three weeks into one!

Weekly Wonders 17th & 24th April

Our first week back in the term was a very slow week as B had quite big injury at the park on his scooter on the Wednesday morning. It was one of those borderline injuries where you are trying to decide do you take them to see the GP or not.

We chose the ‘or not’ option and whilst it has been fine he has taken some time to recover from it. His scooter broke whilst he was going flat out along the path, he took a big chunk from his big toe, several scrapes on the top of his foot and ankle and quite a large scrape on his knee. Hence he has barely been able to walk in nearly a week and has been in quite a bit of pain.

B's Week

Language Arts

Fitzroy Program – Lesson 21
Explode The Code – Lessons 8 & 9
Developing Literacy – Word Activities
Developing Literacy – Sentence Activities

Literature Unit Study – The Story of Ping (ongoing) Story Sequencing, Behold The Duck Poem and Illustration


Targeting Mental Maths – Units 7 & 8
Targeting Maths – Pages 14 – 21
Counting Pings Family (part of literature unit study – Ping)

The Arts

Australian Animals Drawing Workshop with Cameron Stelzer (held at library)
Endangered Animals Drawing/Watercolours Workshop with local Artist (held at library)
Endangered Animals Clay Workshop with local Artist (held at library)
Star Wars Drawing galore
Designed a ‘boat’ (part of literature unit study – Ping)
Salt Dough Map of China (work in progress)


Types of Ducks (part of literature unit study – Ping)
Science Centre Excursion


Where does Ping live (China, Yangtze River)
Map of China, labelled Beijing, Yangtze River

Social Studies

Flag of China
Ping Egg Toasties
Ping from celery & carrot sticks


Golf Lesson

Soccer – the season has just started and he has missed his first 2 games due to the leg injury, so not a happy boy about that.


Park & Playground with friends

K's Week

Language Arts

PBS Kids.org

K also started Level 1 (Alphabet Reading) of the On Track Reading Program put out by Of Primary Importance. It is a Sight Words Reading program and whilst I don’t believe in using a program such as this purely for teaching reading, part of me does feel that not having any Sight Word instruction did delay B a little with his reading (Fitzroy introduces Sight Words slowly throughout the program).

So the plan is for K to complete this first level, which has a reader for each letter of the alphabet. They learn simple sight words and then the focus of the initial sound for each letter. Once she is comfortable with all of her letters (we are still using games and Montessori I Spy) we will start with the Pink Series and work into the Fitzroy Reading Program.

This week she completed the first four Books A – D and each has 2 pages of activities to go along with them.

The Arts

Australian Animals Drawing Workshop with Cameron Stelzer (held at library)
Endangered Animals Clay Workshop with local Artist (held at library)
Designed a ‘boat’ (part of literature unit study – Ping)
Salt Dough Flag of China (work in progress)


Types of Ducks (part of literature unit study – Ping)
Science Centre Excursion


Where does Ping live (China, Yangtze River)
Map of China

Social Studies

Flag of China
Ping Egg Toasties


Park & Playground with friends

Hopefully I'll be back in full swing for this week's wrap up.


  1. Kylie! So good to have you back!! I got attached to the Homeschool Hop and your blog, and then you were gone--vanished, no, I knew where you were, but I came by looking for the Homeschool Hop question two weeks in a row, at least, after you were no longer doing them:)
    Your Weekly Wonders is great, and I do encourage you to keep up with them, from an older Homeschooling mom's perspective. They are a kind of accountability, and a huge encouragement to look back upon all that you accomplished! You will never regret doing them! It's amazing, but we forget so easily.
    Sorry you've had a hard time--I'll pray for you and your family--but I am glad to see you back.
    Faith's Firm Foundation

  2. OUCH, poor B! I'm SO paranoid about those things.. there must be long pants & padding & helmets involved or I am chewing my nails the whole time they're on them lol. Hope he's feeling a bit more mobile :)

    Love your Ping unit study :D

  3. Poor B :( I hope its healing nicely.


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