Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Really I Am!!! Even though I have been MIA for a tad longer than what I said I would be.

I had an urgent family matter that cropped up during my blogging holiday that I had to attend to, these past couple of weeks have been very trying and draining but I am getting back on top of it all now.

I am so so sorry about the Blog Hop, I know I said I would continue to post them but I just wasn't even able to do that. In fact this is the first time I have even looked at my blog in nearly 4 weeks, I haven't even looked at another blog in all that time either!!

Nothing got done, like I had hoped but really in the scheme of things it doesn't matter at all. All that matters is that ALL of my family are ok.

Too be honest I barely even missed my blog, which I really thought I would before going on the break but I haven't. So like so many other bloggers have done before me after coming back from a break I am rethinking my blogging and how much time and effort I want to put into it.

I love my blog and love the home schooling blog community it is fabulous but I'm not sure I will continue the pace of blogging that I have kept up during the earlier parts of this year. I really want to keep going with my Weekly Wonders because I was blown away when I went throught the posts and compiled everything we had done. I will also continue with the Blog Hops (starting back next Monday) but that's about all I am prepared to commit to at the moment.

No doubt once I get into the swing of the things the blog will have its way of drawing me back in, but I am determined to continue with my blogging holidays at the end of every term. I'm actually not looking forward to the end of this term. I had drama's last blogging break and now again during this one.

Anyway, sorry again and thanks for your well wishes I do appreciate it them very much.


  1. It is always, always important to put your family first! We all know that!! Our blogs (at least mine) is for fun, inspiration and encouragement. When it become a time drain or a burdon...then you are doing the right thing by re-evaluating!


  2. Welcome sorta back then! Glad all is well there now :)

  3. Family must come first! Glad to see you back. You will figure just the right pace for you on your blogging. You were missed though!

  4. Glad to have you back. Hope you find your blogging level!


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