Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Teacher's Friend

Ever since I first began researching the possibility of home schooling way back at the end of 2006 I have pretty much kept (in my bookmarks) just about every website that I have found, just in case. Some are in my personal favourites and some are using IE favourites but pretty much most of them are not organised, well not in any easy to find way.

It's rather frustrating to know that you have a link to something but you can't find it. So I began the task of organising them, trying my hardest to ensure that they were all well organised and easy to find.

Since I was doing all of this work I figured that I might as well make it available for everyone to use and even if just a few of you benefit then at least all of the hard work won't have been just for lil old me.

It will always be a work in progress as I think I probably stumble across at least one new site daily. The new ones get added straight to A Teacher's Friend, no point in adding even more to my favourites list. As I get a few minutes spare I have started to add in links from my personal favourites list.

Everything is labelled with topics which are listed on the right side bar and then I have also added link lists across the top of the blog broken down into subjects.

So anyway, go and have a look for yourself and you will see that it is all pretty self explanatory.


  1. What a cool idea! I'm off to check it out. When I feel very motivated, I keep wanting to tackle this sort of stuff (organizing, not just physical things, but links). Spring can't come fast enough. Warm weather and sunny days make me more proactive. ;)

    Hope your autumn is going well!

  2. Awesome idea Kylie. I've been tidying my bookmarks (I thin/sort every now and again) and they are MOSTLY organized by rough category... but I still can't find what I want sometimes lol.

  3. What a terrific idea. I have so many fabulous ideas bookmarked and try to keep them organised. Sometimes, I spend way too much time trying to find a particular idea and it drives me crazy when I cannot quickly locate a link because I have used some sort of obscure folder to file it in. You have come up with a great solution to this.

  4. That is fantastic. Thanks! I have a category in my favorites maked "homeschool" which was helpful enough when I started, but is now just a lengthy list of sites that I don't remember why I added them.

  5. What a wonderful idea! I am going to have to check out the links you have collected!

  6. Thanks Ladies, hope it helps a little.

    Elise, LOL that is me ina nutshell. I think if I give the folder a really good name I will remember and be able to find the stuff I am looking for ha!!!!

  7. Neat idea! I have terribly disorganized favorites.


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