Saturday, March 13, 2010

St Patrick's Day: Learning Fun Part 2

This week we've been working through our little booklets for our Lapbook and Notebooking work on St Patrick's Day. I put together these simple little "Symbols of St Patrick's Day" booklets for K. (download coming soon) We discussed each one, what it was and why it is a symbol of St Patrick's Day. K then wrote the name of each item inside the little booklet. B provided a few more details on the symbols for his.

B also had a couple of more in depth booklets to complete, What Is St Patrick's Day and Who Was St Patrick.

The kids also worked on their Morning Tea Invitations.

St Patrick's Day Spelling, with Milk Bottle Top Letters and The Moveable Alphabet.

I'm fairly certain that K now has even numbers down pat after working with her Clip The Evens 1 and Clip The Evens 2 Activities.

I downloaded The Leprechaun's Walk from here. Both kids enjoyed completing this simple story writing exercise. I definitely need to find or make more of these, especially for B to extend on.

But oh my gosh, little K....I have never seen her complete so much writing. Allin all, this week she completed the Leprechaun's Walk Book, her name on the Morning Tea Invites and most of her little lapbook booklets. That is definitely the most handwriting she has done, can't you tell I am one happy mamma!!

Oh and we also made Rainbow (with clouds) and Shamrock Suncatchers during the week.

We've just got a couple of little things to complete (plus the morning tea) and we are all done with St Patrick's Day.


  1. Your morning tea party sounds like a lot of fun! I love the invitation!

    You always have the neatest ideas!

  2. You are doing such a wonderful job Kylie dear!!!! Looks like you are all having a lot of fun too.


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