Thursday, March 25, 2010

Self Portraits

Over the last couple of weeks the kids have been working on Self Portraits in the Home School Network Art Classes.

The first week they focused on drawing faces and making sure everyone knew the tricks to getting the face shape right and the positioning of various facial features. The following week they painted and added black pastel highlights where needed.

Here's B's self portrait.

The junior class also had a theme of, What I Want To Be When I Grow Up, K chose a Ballerina.


  1. They turned out great! All the kids really put a lot of effort into their portraits, and just those 6wks of class (we missed 2) REALLY improved my boys ability to draw people. Looking forward to next term!

  2. Wow - those classes must be awesome. I can't believe how well K drew her face - it's really impressive for a 5 year old. Great self-portraits.

  3. Great pictures! Maybe I should do a kid's art class!!

  4. She is a fabulous teacher and is great with the kids.

    I know about K, I just think it is the instruction, at kindy last year (where art was a free for all) it looked just like any average 3 year olds painting, but when she started participating in art classes WOW! That doesn't always transfer to her art/drawing at home though.

  5. I love your blog. Come on over to pick up an award.

  6. great work by both your munchkins. they are obviously taking after there very creative and artistic parents~


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