Saturday, March 27, 2010

Done and Dusted

Well Term 1 anyway! We are finished for 2 weeks, which also means I am on a blogging break too (trying to take them every holidays). I know I didn't do the last 3 weeks of Weekly Wonders and I had every intention of doing them but I am working on a Term 1 Wrap Up so I will just be doubling up anyway, seems kind of silly.

Term 1 Wrap Ups will be posted sometime over the next fortnight. Homeschool Blog Hop will continue but as for that there probably won't be much (if any posting from me for two weeks at least). I'd actually like to try and visit some of my favourite blogs as I haven't had time to do so for awhile either. I might also try and add some printables to Free Homeschool Printables as I just haven't had the time to look at that poor little blog.

Have a lovely Easter.


  1. Enjoy your break. Our spring break is soooon, and I'm looking forward to it. Looking forward to your Term 1 wrap-up!

  2. Have a nice break. We've kind of been on ours the last couple of weeks. I don't know how much longer I will just have fun with Selena before we get back at it yet.

  3. Holy moley, a whole term wrap up will be a whopper of a post because I know how busy you are! Enjoy your break... we'll be taking 'official' time off over the next week or so as well :)

  4. Enjoy your break, Kylie! I'm looking forward to reading your wrap ups!

  5. Have a good break! Can't wait to see see the term wrap up!

  6. I gave you an award on my blog. If you find time, please stop by. If not, I totally understand. :) I just told everyone why I love your blog so much! You're an inspiration to so many.


    Here's the post:

  7. I hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable break.

    Happy Easter to you and your family.

  8. I just wanted to stop by because I saw you too were listed as one of the top 50 blogs for early childhood education - congrats!! Enjoy your break!

  9. I hope you have a wonderful break and I look forward to reading your wrap up post.

  10. Kylie,
    I don't know if you're reading comments while you're on your break, but I'm missing Homeschool Hop and all my Australian friends:) So hurry back! (Are we there yet?? How much farther??) I thought maybe I was reminding you of these kinds of questions:)
    Faith's Firm Foundation


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