Monday, January 18, 2016

A Word For My Home Educating Year

I'm a planner by nature. I don't do well flying by the seat of my pants. I'm also a list writer, mountains and mountains of lists.

----- > Shopping lists
----- > Book lists
----- > Lesson plan idea lists
----- > Curriculum lists
----- > Resource lists
----- > Gift idea lists
----- > Travel plan lists
----- > Household lists

I can even make a list out of my lists. You name it, there's a list for that!

So whilst planning and the lists absolutely help, they can also suck the JOY out of my day, if I allow myself to get too wrapped up in them.

And there is my word of focus for our home educating year ahead ------> JOY

Now don't misunderstand, I don't expect every lesson, every activity or even every day to be all roses and buttercups but I do need to be actively aware of finding the joy in our days. I can easily slip into the ticking box mode syndrome, becoming more focused on my lists than on the moment at hand.

So in finding JOY I need to be more aware about where my mind runeths throughout the day. To be more at peace and joyful in the activity at hand.

To live in the moment.

To be more mindful.

To see and feel the JOY that surrounds me every where, every day, if only I allow myself to see it.

Do you choose a word as your focus for the year rather than writing lists of resolutions? I'd love to hear what yours is and why you chose it.

Happy Homeschooling,

Come on over and join me at

1 comment:

  1. Connection, connection to myself, husband, kids and nature.


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