Friday, November 27, 2015

It's OK To be Ordinary!

This article can now be found here -



  1. It's amazing how cliquish homeschoolers can be. Now I'm curious what the particular curriculum was. I loved this post.

  2. I wholeheartedly agree. It is one of the reasons I took so long to say we unschool. I don't need the negativity from those who don't this we are unschoolish enough. In the end I decided to roll with the label for the positives it gives; finding a community, quickly explaining our approach, etc but I still feel wary. Loved this read, thanks x

  3. Thanks Kirstee, love that you have found your happy comfortable place within your home ed journey. That's really all it is about isn't it!

  4. Well written article :)I do believe there are certainly ways of educating children that are more effective than others, but I also believe that each child will respond differently to different methods/curriculums. As home educators, we have the chance to help our children learn in the best way they can.. helping them to grow strong.

  5. well.. that was a mighty encouraging read. THANKS! :)

  6. This is very good and so true. I call myself an "eclectic" homeschooler because I draw from whatever works well for us. :-)

  7. What a shame that you were treated so harshly by other homeschoolers for asking a question! I still like to say we're "eclectic" homeschoolers because we do a mix of whatever works and I don't want to be pigeonholed into a particular brand, as you say.

  8. That has been our parenting motto since my first was born! We do what works, until it doesn't work, and then we do something else :) It is how we have responded to people's questions (and judgement!) about everything from sleep, discipline, and to education!


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