Friday, March 27, 2015

Keys, Leaves, Sandy Toes & Movies ~ Collage Friday

I rarely find the time to document a week in review type post. I love the idea of it and have tried on many occasions to keep it up weekly, it never lasts longs. I just don't have the time or the dedication to write up posts like that.

So I'm letting go of all of that and will share review type posts when the mood strikes, when I have taken enough photo's in the week and when I have the time and inclination to put something together. It just so happens that that time is now.

So here's a little collage of our week, well some of our week anyway. I'm generally too busy during our structured school mornings to take photo's.

I've numbered each photo to make it a bit easier for you to follow along.

1. We try to draw a lot here, most mornings there is some kind of drawing happening. My daughter is heavily invested in drawing animals of all sorts right now. Love to see her budding passions.

2. Who would have thought a pile of sand would evoke so much fun and so much chaos. This pile is right at our front door and whilst the kids have been having a blast with it, there is constantly sand all through my house. Let's just say that that little pile has been the bane of my existence this week.

3. We all had new to us piano lessons for the first time this week. We have a lovely new teacher, that is also a homeschooling mum taking us through our lessons that are all about loving to play, no drill and kill piano lessons here. It was also my first ever piano lesson. I tell you I was petrified and to be honest I still am but I think I have nailed our first song, after plenty of practice and am now ready for next week.

4. Yay a kids movie that I actually enjoyed. We went with a bunch of our homeschool friends to see Home this week.

5. Couldn't resist this cute little pic from the movie.

6. We finally completed our Room To scale drawings, we've been working on these with our art teacher for a few weeks. There is so much work in this than it first appears.

7. The kids tried their hand at some leaf resist art with homeschoolers at our local community gardens. We will be doing more of this at home soon, it was lots of fun and looks very cool.

8/9. It was bring your camera day to the gardens, the kids were snap happy, taking shots of all the weird and wonderful plants.

10. More garden craft.

11. We made a start on our Leonardo da Vinci unit. My eldest is about to tackle him as part of his history program so I thought it was the perfect opportunity for us to all learn a little more about this amazing man.

12. mmmm just realised this is a double up, not sure what happened there

What's not included in the collage, of course there is the regular but not so exciting to take photo's of, math, english, phonics, read alouds. We also had a weekly co-op day, drama classes and SES Cadets, plus there is always plenty of swimming and minecraft fun.

So that's our week in a nutshell. Hope this week has been kind to you!

Happy Homeschooling

This post is linked to Collage Friday


  1. My daughter wants to go and see 'Home' - it does look very cute.

  2. I find it hard to write a weekly review to, because there are often too many things happening, so I tend to pick one thing to write about. I think your format here works very well too! :-)

  3. We are looking forward to seeing that movie too. What a great week.
    Blessings, Dawn

  4. A well balanced week! I love your banner! It's been a while since I've visited you, but I remember that super cute banner!


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