Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Artistry Of Sand Sculpting

We took the opportunity to visit the Sand Sculpting Championships held on the Gold Coast recently.

Whilst it was certainly not what I had expected, it was enjoyable and I'm glad we made the effort to go.

The sculptures are all done up along the esplanade, not down on the beach as one might think they would be.

After witnessing the weather there though I now completely understand why they choose to sculpt away from the waters' edge.

Truly amazing work and it was quite unbelievable to think that these are made of sand.

And sand alone! It's all in the type of sand and how it is compacted that allows the sand to be sculpted in this way.

The finished sculptures are lightly sprayed with a fixative to give them some longevity.

A few simple tents lined the walkway, one of which held a space for the kids to have a go at sculpting for themselves.

After reading the step by step process of what is in involved in true sand sculpting, they all set about working on their own creations.

Little Surfer Dude, completed several variations of the one theme during the time we spent here.

Sculpting a turtle was the example used for the explanations, Fairy Princess was methodical and precise in working on her sculpture.

For some time we struggled to work out what Lego Lover was creating. For awhile there I thought it was Fred, from The Life of Fred series lol. His attention to detail never ceases to amaze me, he was the last one working on his piece and would've continued to add more touches if he wasn't lured away by the promise of ice cream!

Definitely something to visit again.

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