Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Inquisitive Minds or Can Mummy Not Even Visit The Bathroom Without You Getting Into A Mess!!!!

Yes that was all I was doing when I left C playing quietly on the floor with some toys and a puzzle. He appeared very engaged at the time so I snuck away to visit the bathroom. You know us mums do need to visit there once in a while and yes we would prefer to actually go on our own if at all possible!

As soon I got out I called C as he wasn't in the same spot I left him, just a few minutes earlier. I headed down to the kids rooms as that is where he normally goes so he can play with all of their things. No not there. I called again heading back up to our bedroom right at the other end of the house only to find him heading for me, looking like this.......

Yes that is my one and only lipstick that I actually wear and yes the entire tube is now empty. He had actually managed to go on a bit of a lipstick rampage during those few minutes.

Lipstick covered rocking horse.

Lipstick on the coffee table.

Lipstick on the lounge.

And even lipstick on the vacuum.

At least though after a shower and a scrub he was more than happy to help clean it all up. (lipstick is very hard to get off the skin and you can still see the faint remains on his cheeks and around his eyes) Thank goodness for my Grease removing Enjo gloves, I needed nothing but them and water. Now you gotta love that! The lounge was the hardest to remove it from and I don't think I have it all yet, but I'll keep working on it!


  1. Oh my gosh! Been there, done that. :) I'm glad you got everything cleaned up pretty well. You are so right about lipstick being difficult to clean off the skin!

    I will defintely post an update within the week about the Languages CD. So far, he is really enjoying it. It is a nice change from our book-based drilling.

  2. That's hilliarious! I'm sure you probably didn't think so @ 1st! What a mess but adorable! :)

  3. Oh no! Little boys are so quick! Did it come off the couch?

  4. I have a feeling this is what our littlest is going to be like. I'm going to have to keep a close eye on him.

  5. OMG - this is too funny, but I would be mad at myself about the lounge. This will be difficult to get off. It's hard to be mad at those innocent tiny ones though - they are just experimenting.

  6. wow....I'm trying to think of the last thing my boys got into. Oh was the can of Crisco in my kitchen. My son took it into our master bedroom and smeared it everywhere. I feel ya:)

  7. I think it pretty much came off the lounge you really can't see it. How on earth can you possibly be mad at his little face though. He did know that he had done wrong though and didn't want to pose for a photo.

  8. Looks like my kid. lol Gotta love them!

  9. LOL that is a classic toddler moment! At least it wasn't something smellier than lipstick right? We had a.... toilet miss, I'll call it.. the other day (thankfully *I* was out) and there was POOP everywhere. In his defence, Merry DID *try* to clean it up LMAO. I think dh would have preferred lipstick hehehe.

  10. As an aside.. anyone else think it's ironic that lipstick is SO difficult to remove from toddlers skin... yet it seems to wear off our lips in a matter of an hour? lol

  11. This will always make a great story. I love that you have photographic evidence. The photo of C cracked me up, but then again I wasn't the one cleaning and scrubbing lipstick off everything.

  12. Oh my! I can just imagine how much fun it was for him, and how little fun it was for you! Isn't it absolutely amazing the amount of "damage" they can do within a few minutes. It always astounds me that they are really that fast! He is sooo cute though!

  13. i found the easiest way to remove makeup from little faces is to smear on some face moisturiser and then wipe with a tissue or a cloth. Works wonders for mascara, thank goodness... =)


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