Friday, February 19, 2010

Book Review: Percy The Peacful Platypus

Percy The Peacful Platypus is An Australian Golden Book publication. It was published first in 1972 and the copy I have was a reprint from 1984. So I have no idea if it is still available or has since gone out of print.

I was lucky enough to pick my copy up for $1.00 at a charity book sale (where I get most of my books).

Although this is a Golden Book and generally they are aimed at a young audience this particular story is aimed at the slightly older child. K5 sat through the story, however I feel that B8 gained more from it than she did.

This is the story of an Australian Platypus, an ORNITHORHYNCHUS, they are part of the Montreme group of animals, that are mammals but also lay eggs, have a ducks bill and webbed feet. To read more about the platypus you can download a fact sheet from the Victorian State Government.

The story begins with Percy's mother nesting in her burrow with her eggs, it covers the hatching, the growing and feeding activities of the playtpus.

From there Percy grows large enough to leave home, he needs to dig his own burrow in a new secluded pool of water. However disaster strikes as the weather forecast predicts a cyclone and a flood follows shortly after.

The story follows Percy through that treacherous time and his journey to safety.

We found this an engaging, thoughtful story, that not only discusses some of the intricacies of the playtpus but also how we as humans can help to assist animals during times of flood and other disaters.

B drew this image of the platypus swimming and his burrow during our reading of the story. He definitely got the burrow length fairly accurate.

Sites of Interest

Platypus Fact Sheet
Lesson Plans & Activities
All About The Platypus
Platypus Puppet
Stuffed Playtpus
Aboriginal Dreamtime Story - The Special Platypus
Platypus Images
Other Platypus Books


  1. This is great - we are virtually heading to Australia soon, and it would be fun to read about native animals. I'll look to see if our library has this book.

  2. I used to have that book as a kid!

  3. I've been searching for this book, and another in the same tone about a kookaburra for a while now. Percy's story really gripped me as a child, as I was so afraid for him.

    Thank you for website, and confirming this is the book I'm searching for :)


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